I am working on a garden in Kensington where, of all horrors, a shed must be incorporated. The ubiquitous cedar - usually ronsoned - shed makes my skin crawl, but I accept that most gardens need somewhere to hide the gubbins of gardening. So each time this nasty shed issue comes up I see it as a challenge to design different storage. In one garden we designed cool day beds with cushions, that doubled up as giant storage boxes (watertight to ship specifications). In this Kensington garden, I am sparring with the architect over the roof we put on his rather smart hardwood shed. It gets seen from the upstairs windows, so no nobody's up for slinging a bit of roofing felt over it....
He wants a pebble roof, but I want a green one, made of plants. Could there be a more multi-tasking roof than one which could provide you with herbs year round, or a cool tapestry patterns of succulents to look at?
Go on - go green....

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